Format: Recorded Session – available 24/7

  • IA – 2 CEUs
  • NCICLB #11947 – 2 CEUs
  • NJ – 2 CECs
  • ORLB – 2 CEHs
  • FNGLA-2 CEUs

Instructor:  Chris Pine

Attendees will develop a better understanding of the different types of connected irrigation controllers available today and what that means to an irrigation technician. They increase their familiarity and comfort level with terminology, especially for Wi-Fi connections and will improve their strategies to troubleshoot connected controllers.

We will cover:

  • Different types of connected controllers available today with their advantages and disadvantages from a technician’s and end user’s point of view.
  • Specific troubleshooting strategies to use on each tec.hnology so that issues can be quickly isolated.
  • The language of connected devices and technology, so that the technician is familiar and can speak the lingo.

Who should attend?  Irrigation installation and repair technicians with some field experience installing controllers.