Format: Recorded Session – available 24/7

  • IA – 1 CEU
  • NJ – 0.5 CEC
  • NCICLB Course #12082 – 2 Business CEUs
  • ORLCB – 2 CEHs
  • QWEL – 2 CEUs
  • FNGLA – 2 CEUs

Leading an irrigation contracting business has never been more challenging. From HR complications to cost and availability of materials to changing codes and regulations, a business leader must constantly strike the balance of both managing the business and doing the business.

This panel discussion will focus on the pulse of operating a landscape irrigation business today with an eye on strategy for managing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The panel will include Jim Huston (J.R. Huston Consulting), Ted Rightmire (CEO, Hindsite Software), Aaron Knepp (Conserva Irrigation of Columbus) and Chris Pine (IrriTech Training).